6 Speed for 87cgt?

ScottyCBoy at aol.com ScottyCBoy at aol.com
Wed Aug 23 09:44:46 EDT 2000

Most is not All Audi 6 speeds are quattro boxes.. You might be able to use a 6spd from a porsche 968.. For the most part you are smoking somthing.. Although given enough money time and pressure a square peg will fit in a round hole.


In a message dated Tue, 22 Aug 2000 11:21:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "d s" <arcopunk at hotmail.com> writes:

<< alright, well umm, this is what i want to do and i want to see if it is 
possible. i want to remove my auto trans. and replace it with a 6 speed 
manual,... is it possible. maybe a fly by wire clutch(does it exist. how 
much would it take and cost?

thanks alot,
derrick 87cgt
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