Broken Clutch Pedal

Andy Schor andy at
Wed Aug 23 12:09:28 EDT 2000

Hello Oliver,

This happened to my (now sold) '89 200tqw.
I paid to have it repaired at a shop, so no btdt.
There have been several broken clutch pedals
mentioned on the list, likely a few more too.

Does anyone konw if there's a TSB on this?


Andy Schor
'90 CQ 177k miles

----- Original Message -----
From: <ozitzmann at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 10:43 AM
Subject: Broken Clutch Pedal

> The clutch pedal on my '90 200 wagon decided to snap (at the top).  Since
> need the car this weekend and nobody can fix it before then, I must attack
> the project myself.  Has anyone done this before?  I checked the archives,
> but couldn't find anything and I don't have a Bentley's.
> Any help would be great. Thanks,
> Oliver
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