Question for you turbo experts (and WOT Injectors)

Michael Pederson mlped at
Wed Aug 23 11:54:01 EDT 2000

Todd - if you haven't seen it, take a look at Charles Probst, SAE, book,
"Bosch Fuel Injections & Engine Management" published by Robert Bentley -
has a whole chapter, #6 on this including a list of some people, i.e.
Darrell Vittone at Techtonics, Corkey Bell with Cartech and other who have
BTDT with this.  I don't know if Micor Dynamics is around, but they also
have stuff to do this with both "K" (?? continuous flow - CIS) as well as
"L" (?? pulse systems).

Java - what are you running 5x2 = 10 (ten) injectors?  FWIW, I know the one
or two additional injector in the intake manifold a la cold start type
modifications (but with regular fuel injectors, not the clod start injector
which Probst strongly advises against trying to use as an "injector") has
been done with great success to one of the fast (& I mean VERY fast)
turbaned 4KQ's running in Colorado.

Mike P.

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Todd Phenneger
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 11:40 AM
To: JShadzi at; jiipm at; quattro at
Subject: Re: Question for you turbo experts (and WOT Injectors)

  Any opinions on my WOT Enrichment injector idea.  I
have mine in OEM location wired to a momentary switch
so I can activate at will.  Didn't wire it up in Turbo
swap since I prefer manual control)  ANyhow, when I
lean out on boost (still having problems) if I press
it it richens up nicely.  Me thinks this could be a
way to get another couple PSI boost from a CIS system.
 Not sure though.  Definately would need to be moved
to just after the TB though.

--- JShadzi at wrote:
> In a message dated 8/22/00 6:00:44 PM Pacific
> Daylight Time,
> tquattroguy at writes:
> << Heya,
>    Only one point I want to make.  Its not a Blow
> off
>  or Pop Off valve.  They vent to atmosphere.  Its a
>  recirculation or bypass valve.  >>
>     Not necessarily so...I have a 944t "bypass
> valve" rigged to blow off to
> atmosphere using a one way valve in the vacuum line.
>  It really can be used
> either way...
> Javad
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Todd Phenneger
    83' ur-q (awaiting a 20vt)
    84' 4ktq  fun but I'm sick of CIS.

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