S-1 Sport Quattro

Dave Eaton Dave.Eaton at clear.net.nz
Thu Aug 24 12:48:37 EDT 2000


excellent news.  you're a lucky man.

there is a good report on the a1/a2 quattro, a little on the sport quattro
and a test of the s1 in this month's "motorsport" magazine, including a
brief but pretty comprehensive homologation history.

the test drive (andrew frankel) is of the s1 which michele mouton has driven
at goodwood - including an amusing piece on getting it to go around corners
(basically go in too hot, plant boot before the apex, and let the torsen
sort it all out).  worth reading.

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q

-----Original Message-----
   Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 07:45:17 -0700
   From: eygesfam at pacbell.net
Subject: S-1 Sport Quattro

  The deal on the Sport Quattro in Oman looks like it
may go through after all. If any of you have info on the
car that might interest me please don't hesitate to send
me a post. The deal is close to being sealed and I am
now salivating out of both sides of my mouth.
  Regards, Perry Eyges
                 Berkeley, CA.

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