Fwd: Re: S-4-01 snow wheels??

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 24 00:48:43 EDT 2000

  That would explain my list.  MOst of them have
spokes that curve out a bit.
  BTW... my Roomates Dad got the Euro 2000 S6 Wheels
on his lowered Black 2.7t.  Looks HOT.  I passed him
on the Road before I knew and just about ripped my
head off looking.  His wife following in her TT said I
looked REALLY funny.  Waving and craning my neck.  
  We have digital pics if anyone wants.  THey are
245/45-17 Yoko AVS Sports on the 17x8" S6 wheels.

--- Grant Lenahan <gfl at erols.com> wrote:
> Ooops, forgot the list :-()
> >>Why is that,
> >>   Seems that many 16" wheels fit.  Most Borbet,
> BBS,
> >>Millia Millia etc fit.  What 16" wheels dont fit? 
> Is
> >>it an offset thing or diameter?
> >>l8r
> >>   Todd
> >None of the Audi factory 16" wheels fit, except
> those from the A6 
> >2.7t (which has the same brakes).  2/3 of the
> ronals dont fit.  None 
> >of the standard steel wheels fit, according to the
> Tire Rack.
> >
> >It appears to have to do with the curvature of the
> spokes.
> >
> >Grant
> -- 
> -----------------------
> Grant Lenahan
> gfl at erols.com (home)
> glenahan at telcordia.com (office)  NEW!
> gfl at alum.MIT.edu (MIT)
> (973) 377-4458 voice
> (973) 377-3661 fax
> (973) 301-0685 Sonogy Lab
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Todd Phenneger
    83' ur-q (awaiting a 20vt)
    84' 4ktq  fun but I'm sick of CIS.

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