ur-q vs MC flywheel timing differences

Lawson, Dave dlawson at ball.com
Thu Aug 24 10:23:15 EDT 2000


>  This had been posted before but never with
>definitive results which I seek.   Its fairly commonly
>believed (I think) on the list that the ur-q Hall
>Timing mark is a few degrees differetn than on the MC
>and KH motors.  My question is how much and which way.
I posted the definitive results about 4 years ago. With
2 flywheels in hand, MC and urq(WX), I counted teeth
from the -0- mark to the reference pin. Based on the
2 examples I had there was a 1 tooth difference between
them. The urq pin was 1 tooth closer to the -0- mark 
which means that the urq timing is retarded relative to
the MC timing. And given that there are 135 teeth on a 
flywheel, 1 tooth is 2.3333 degrees. This fact is also 
confirmed when digging into code in the ECU. The urq 
measures timing starting at 60 degrees BTDC and the
MC starts at 62-63 degrees. (I am going completely from
memory here so the numbers might be off a bit, it
would be best to search the archives for what I posted
a few years ago. I know the numbers presented there
are correct.)

In my urq setup, I am using the urq flywheel with the 
MC-1 ECU. Knowing the above information, my timing
is retarded 2.333 degrees. I have compensated for this
by tweeking the timing tables in the ECU code. And just
for reference, my car runs great with modified code and
stock code.

Goos luck.
Dave Lawson

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