turbo and WOT injector
Todd Phenneger
tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 25 09:58:10 EDT 2000
So we have all agreed (not all) but agreed somehow
that a controller is needed for best operation.
However, Peter brings up a good point. The location
of the intake temp sensor is where I had planned on
putting one. actually though, my KH manifold has the
sender on the side and on the top (ur-q location)
there is still a flat spot for one to be mounted after
grinding it flat and drilling a hole. Perfect
location if you ask me. Opinions on that
Anyhow, you mention these pulesed injector
controllers. HOw much are these units?
--- JShadzi at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated Thu, 24 Aug 2000 6:21:13 PM
> Eastern Daylight Time, "Peter Berrevoets"
> <peterb at mysysltd.com> writes:
> << At what RPM does the engine start to lean out at
> full throttle? - what if
> one takes the after TB location of the temp sensor
> blank on the MC manifold
> and mount an injector there - trigger cold start
> valve at WOT and xxxx rpm -
> trigger additional injector at WOT and xxxx + ? rpm
> til redline... ?
> Not an engineer, just power hungry.>>
> It is not that simple, the motor will lean out
> based on RPM AND load-air flow thru the motor at a
> given RPM. This is from an earlier post I wrote
> today...
> "There is nothing wrong with using a cold start
> injector as a fueling device, per se, as long as it
> is controlled intelligently, not just on or off. It
> needs to fuel based on the requirements of the
> engine, in proportion to the fueling needs of the
> motor, not just on full blast regardless of RPM or
> air flow. HTH,"
> If you want to do this, there are many computer
> devices on the market that will pulse and injector
> based on RPM and MAP-this is the only correct way to
> do it, Jimmy rigged setups will not cut it, they are
> unpredicatable and will not function correctly, it
> would be pure chance at best to get one to work
> correctly...
> Javad
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Todd Phenneger
83' ur-q (awaiting a 20vt)
84' 4ktq fun but I'm sick of CIS.
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