turbo and WATer injector

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 25 20:53:30 EDT 2000


  I've seen that done as well.  Or rather heard of it right here on this very list.  One of our Russian friends had that on one of his cars in Russia.  Lada maybe. :-)   LOL.   

  At any rate,  he had good results.  And frankly, since I have a KH in my 4kq and an MC sitting at home that I plan to build with new pistons, balanced, etc, I plan to "experiment" with water injection on this KH.  But only AFTER I have the MC ready to drop in. :-)  THat will be awhile as I want to design a custom Intake manifold for use with EFI for this engine.  BUt that depends on my results with extra injectors on the KH.  

  Cant wait to play though.




  e2e <sam at edgetoedge.co.nz> wrote: 
How about injecting water into the manifold instead of fuel. An engineer I
know has done just this on an old Bedford(Yanks won't know what that is eh
Phil etc)truck.. This allows him to lean waaaay down and cruise just fine,
similar things were done in the war too I believe
Sam Clarkson 
1990 200tqw

> Message: 3
> From: "Buchholz, Steven" 
> To: "'qlist'" 
> Subject: RE: turbo and WOT injector
> Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 11:58:48 -0700
> Why must we get so excited here? We are trying to work through this, and I
> think that there are valid points made by a number of people. Sure, you
> have built a system with a pulsed injection add on which works to augment a
> stock non-turbo CIS, it works and looks pretty cool ... but honestly, how
> much of an expert does that make you? How many examples of your system
> currently exist and how many cumulative miles have you logged? I know that
> from my point of view I tend to think of myself as Scott J does himself ...
> I certainly would never claim to be an expert on the subject. All I know is
> what I've seen, and in my mind there is plenty of evidence that the back
> cylinders of the I-5 turbos have a tendency to run lean, even on stock cars.
> (BTW, yes, I do have a car that runs above 7psi boost and over 5k RPM ...
> but it came from the factory that way ... so you don't need to listen to me
> either ;-)
> I don't think that everybody is discussing using the CSI as that 6th
> injector ... AAMOF in my post I clearly stated otherwise. There are issues
> with the mounting location of the CSI as well as the fact that the CSI was
> not designed to do much more than provide a bit of extra fuel to get the
> engine started. I think the product I saw installed on another urq was
> called a microfueler, or something like that. The injector was a standard
> pulsed injector mounted in the air path leading to the intake manifold. It
> certainly seems to me that this location would tend to cause the fuel to mix
> with the air, and be directed by the air as it flowed into the intake
> manifold. While it may be true that since the fuel droplets will have more
> inertia than the air they will have more of a problem making the sharper
> bend to the front cylinders ... but that is exactly the situation we're
> trying to address with the air. This would tend to richen the rearmost
> cylinders more than the front. This certainly seems to me to address the
> concern more than simply adding injectors that squirt the same amount of
> additional fuel to the front as well as the rear cylinders. Remember this
> part of the thread is predicated on the assertion that the rear cylinders
> run leaner on the engines which feed the intake manifold as the WX and MC
> engnies do ... this premise has not been proven, so you can feel free to
> dismiss it. 
> The interesting thing is that on the DIY-EFI list the thought of an injector
> mounted in the intake tract has come up as a means to provide additional
> cooling of the intake charge. If you mounted an injector at the inlet to
> the intercooler you should notice better vaporization of the fuel and
> cooling of the intake charge as well. This would also at least in part
> address the "inertia" issue raised before ...
> It sure seems to me that unless we have a situation where we could determine
> the mixture in each cylinder like an EGT or ION monitoring system (like the
> Saab Trionic) all of the discussion here is little more than speculation. I
> for one happen to find this sort of discussion useful and somewhat enjoyable
> though. I am contemplating mounting individual EGT probes in my 2-piece EM
> ... perhaps when that is done I'll be able to speak a bit more
> authoritatively ...
> Steve Buchholz

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Todd Phenneger
    83' ur-q (awaiting a 20vt)
    84' 4ktq  fun but I'm sick of CIS.

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