
Brett Dikeman quattro at
Sat Aug 26 21:39:18 EDT 2000

Pulled in after a 3-4 hour drive, I jumped out, popped the hood; I 
wanted to listen for my gurgling/boiling noise from the head.

I've got the hood 2 inches up and I hear, from the back of the engine:


I -immediately- recognized the noise.

The ISV, going from open to closed.

time to clean, I suppose.

Oh, and boiling noise?  Noticeably absent.

Also, my theory is car -loves- to run under two conditions:

a)when it's cold(hasn't been started for many hours.)  Unfortunately, 
this is exactly when you're not supposed to run the engine hard :-)

b)after at least an hour or two of highway driving, the car takes on 
an enormous personality change.  Instead of heavy lag, there's an 
immediate and powerful response even in 5th gear, and downshifts are 
spectacular fun.

The question is...why does it take 2 hours to get to 'playtime'? 
Arrgh.  I'm beginning to think the two problems(boiling noise and 
boost/lag) are related.  The car is long overdue for a coolant change 
anyway, hasn't had one in 30-40k miles.

What's the preferred brand for coolant?  I know some people like 
Pentosin's stuff(hard to find); I know about Evans(thanks, but not 
until I replace the WP with a pump designed for it)...what are some 
easily accessible(Pep Boys/Autozone/etc) alternatives besides 

Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
CFN(formerly iClick, Inc)			914-872-8043
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			914-872-8100(fax)
White Plains, NY 10605
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