'95 90qs: Cut Out, Hard Starts, Stall

Grant Lenahan gfl at erols.com
Sun Aug 27 13:34:15 EDT 2000

At 12:04 PM -0400 8/27/00, Dan Z. Johnson wrote:
>My 1995 Audi 90q (73k miles) has a real problem. It started
>as the occasional stall at idle, then progressed to quick,
>intermittent cut out while driving. Now, at road speeds, the
>engine will sputter rapidly and die altogether, and be
>nearly impossible to restart. Car backfires slightly. After
>letting it cool a bit, I can restart and sometimes run for
>1/2 hour or more with no problems.

My advice?  Start with things that affect mixture:

1.	02 sensor - on your car you should be able to pull codes to a computer
2.	Mixture itself - adjusted on an emissions analyzer
3.	fuel pump and filter, either of which can caus4e intermittent 
fuel starvation
4.	mass flow sensor


Grant Lenahan
gfl at erols.com (home)
glenahan at telcordia.com (office)  NEW!
gfl at alum.MIT.edu (MIT)
(973) 377-4458 voice
(973) 377-3661 fax
(973) 301-0685 Sonogy Lab

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