VIN construction from description

Grant Lenahan gfl at
Sun Aug 27 16:52:45 EDT 2000

>Another subject (a little easier I hope).  Are all quattro's 5 speed or
>manual shift say up through the 1995 models?

Most V-8qs were autos
 From ~1993 on the 100/A6 came with a quattro auto.
This one's unclear.  I was recently told that all the q wagons were 
auto.  10 minutes later I was BS-ing with the head mechanic at my 
dealer and he said, "no 5-speeds exist, but no one ever sells them". 

The autos were not thought to be durable, compared with the sticks.


Grant Lenahan
gfl at (home)
glenahan at (office)  NEW!
gfl at (MIT)
(973) 377-4458 voice
(973) 377-3661 fax
(973) 301-0685 Sonogy Lab

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