Poor running 5kt

Matthew Beaubien Mrbeau at roushind.com
Mon Aug 28 11:14:53 EDT 2000

Bill and everyone else,

Yup, there was a tear in it on the underside.  Surprised me a bit as I had it off 1-2 months ago, and it looked fine.  There was a ~1" long tear in it, which makes sense based on the symptoms I had.  

So where do I get a new one?  I'm also looking for a visor clip and defrost switch.

Do any of the correct respondents live in the Detroit area?  If so, I should take you out for a beer some time...


Matt Beaubien
'86 5kt
'73 911E

>>> "Bill Rowe" <browe58 at netzero.net> 08/25/00 02:25PM >>>
check the "michelin man" hose.  bet there's a hole in it.

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