PES-sing contest ...

Rob Andrews randrews at
Mon Aug 28 22:42:25 EDT 2000

. " I don't mean to sound so defensive but that"
I'm not going off on anyone, it just those posts seem to make others
generalize what happens with X product.  G1 to G2 does get a credit of which
can be talked about if you talk to PES as far as the nitty-gritty details
are concerned.  Tony even told me about the guy with the broken bracket.  It
baffles my mind, because the design of the bracket, etc make it seem really
hard to swallow that it was a design problem, and not human error.

----- Original Message -----
From: Buchholz, Steven <Steven.Buchholz at>
To: 'qlist' <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 6:42 PM
Subject: PES-sing contest ...

> ... and I see no reason for you to go off on someone simply reporting
> experience!
> I don't know who the person you say you know of with the broken bracket
> but it was not the person of whom I wrote of in my earlier post (and yes,
> realize that your reply was not to my post).  The car of which I speak had
> all of the work done by a reputable shop here in the SF Bay Area, and if
> not mistaken he's now had problems with the bracketry twice.  This means
> that there are at least a couple folks out there who have had to deal with
> this.  Perhaps that "awesome" customer service is what does it; frankly,
> surprised that my boss's boss hasn't split a gut by now ... but he seems
> be OK with having his car leave him on the side of the road twice now.  As
> reported in my earlier post, he too is satisfied with the folks from PES
> will be going to the new system.  I'm not going to complain, I got a set
> A4 front brakes delivered in a set of Tar-ox boxes ...
> Perhaps you can provide a bit of a data point for the rest of us though
> you say that you will be switching from the "G1" to the "G2" system ...
> you end up having to keep your old system or will you get some sort of
> deposit toward the new system from them?
> Steve Buchholz
> San Jose, CA (USA)
> >
> > Wait 1 second...before we go making accusations about it busting
> > let's get the facts straight.  I don't mean to sound so defensive but
> > company has been nothing less of awesome towards me.  The guy who did
> break
> > a bracket did NOT do a good job of installing.  Don't do amateur work
> a
> > kit that costs $5000 and a car that costs $30000 IMHO.  I personally
> G1
> > and will upgrade to G2, but not because I had issues like that.  I have
> run
> > my car at 3 track events, as a daily driver now for 20,000 miles with no
> > broken brackets, problems, etc.  It is a VERY well designed kit.
> > Just make sure you do proper installs.  One or 2 loose bolts and you can
> > have problems on anything.
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