No Start '94 100S...the common suspects have been eliminated...ideas??

Mike Posner posne at
Wed Aug 30 08:31:01 EDT 2000

At 03:31 PM 08/29/2000 -0400, Cwalln at aol.

>   Theres a  Good decision tree in Bentley  to sort out ignition problems.
I had same problem, turned out to be dirty contacts  on hall generator in
the distributor.

Before  getting too focused on specifics, its necessary to determine
ignition vs
fuel  . Has that been determined?  

com wrote:
>My '94 100S has been perfectly reliable for the 5 years I have owned it.
>weeks ago, it would not problem turning over...a computer 
>somewhere appears to be not giving the ok to start...towed the car to a shop 
>great in diagnostics.
>No error codes.  The shop has been going through and swapping out computer 
>parts from a same vintage, but running Audi, in an attempt to identify the 
>problem.  The common suspects, the crankshaft position sensor and the 
>ignition control module appear to be working properly.
>Before the shop goes the next step and pulls the main and very expensive ECU 
>deeply buried behind the glove box...has anyone out there seen this kind of 
>problem, or have some ideas on how to find the culprit?
>Even the Audi technician at the local dealer is stumped.
>Chris W.
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