Steering Groan-
Kneale Brownson
knotnook at
Wed Aug 30 23:35:44 EDT 2000
Did you "bleed" the system by quick turns of the steering wheel from stop
to stop with the wheels off the ground?
At 08:23 PM 08/30/2000 -0400, JAYTRES at wrote:
>Hello List. I recently had the misfortune of the hydraulic hose that goes
>from the pump to the rack, blow at the pump. I took off the hose and got it
>rebuilt and installed it back on. While I was in the proccess I did a reseal
>job on the pump as it had never been done before. I reassembled everything
>following the list and bentley, and now its back together. Only problem that
>seems to be is, when i turn the wheel at lower rpms it makes a groaning
>noise. This definetely wasn't there before and was wondering if anybody had
>any suggestions.
>No leaks.
>pump belt is to tightened spec. (3/8" in center)
>reservoir is full.
>I filled the pump with fluid, before putting on hoses.
>Jay Desmarais- 1990 200TQ LI,NY
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