[V6-12v] V6-12V lifter problem ?

Elliott Potter epotter at psn.net
Fri Dec 1 11:46:16 EST 2000

>  I got the problem.
Or so we hope :)

> Next step, is to replace it. What about the simplest procedure to do that. I aware about the timing belt. Unfortunately, this belt and the
> water pump are new (less that 1 year and 20 000 km on it).
You can keep the belt.

> Any technical tip about that replacement ?

Bentley style:
1) Remove timing belt.
2) Remove camshaft.
3) Remove lifter.
4) Installation is opposite of removal.

Other notes:
I'll dig up the timing belt removal procedure and send it to you.  
As far as removing the camshaft and lifter, when you were testing the
lifter you were only 8 nuts away; one bearing on each end and one
bearing in between each cylinder.  Remove the nuts (the bearings sit on
studs, I think)and pull the camshaft out.  If this is on the side with
the camshaft position sensor, you need to disassemble that (I think) to
get the camshaft out.  If the camshaft is coming out, you might as well
replace those two oil seals.  Remember to oil the new seals before
installing them.
Lifter pulls straight out (make sure it's still in one piece; some long
needlenose pliers or alligator forceps might be necessary if it breaks
apart) and new one pops straight in.  Remember!  Let the new lifter sit
for at least 1/2 hour before you try turning the engine!  Then turn it
by hand a few full revolutions before cranking it.

I'll get the timing instructions for you in a minute.

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