Another Exhaust Question

Quattro Kid turbo_quattro at
Sat Dec 2 01:12:56 EST 2000

First off, thanks to everyone who answered my last 2 exhaust question. Well 
here's the third one. My cat has been rattling and driving me crazy so I 
ended punching it out ohhhh about 3 hours ago just so I don't have to listen 
to the rattling until I get a new cat. Car started up fine seemed to idle 
fine but then after I'd been driving for about 5-10 min it seemed to 
backfire a bit, not too loud though and it also stumbled a bit in the low 
rpm's but was fine again after about 2 grand. Is there not enough 
backpressure now? does it need a fully functional cat to run properly? I 
always thought the more freeflow the better. Anyways any suggestions would 
be greatly appreciated. TIA

Nik Brkich
1986 Audi 5KTQ
(Soon to have arched fenders,1.8bar,17" Ronals,Euros)
1990 Jeep Cherokee 4.0 (For Sale)
Vancouver BC Canada

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