operating temp / gauge question...

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 2 06:34:11 EST 2000

--- Arryn Milne <enzeder at home.com> wrote:
> I put a brand new Audi thermostat in last year, and
> when I'm on the 
> highway, my gauge reads maybe a few millimeters over
> ¼ (I'll call it 
> 30-35%), much closer to the ¼ than ½ mark.
> I guess a good question would be what is the coolant
> temp when the gauge 
> reads "0".  Either way, I'm with Jim, better a
> little cool than a little hot.

I believe the gauges are not true divided scale.  When
I turn on the ign., the pointer is well below the "0"
line.  It seems Audi (and others) put the optimum
range from about 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock on the gauge
face.  Most people never bother to interpret raw
numbers from their gauges.  That is the ones who even
bother to look at them in the first place. (IDIOT

Jim Accordino

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