operating temp / gauge question...
Arryn Milne
enzeder at home.com
Sat Dec 2 10:07:33 EST 2000
At 06:34 AM 12/2/00 -0800, james accordino wrote:
>--- Arryn Milne <enzeder at home.com> wrote:
> > I put a brand new Audi thermostat in last year, and
> > when I'm on the
> > highway, my gauge reads maybe a few millimeters over
> > ¼ (I'll call it
> > 30-35%), much closer to the ¼ than ½ mark.
> >
> > I guess a good question would be what is the coolant
> > temp when the gauge
> > reads "0". Either way, I'm with Jim, better a
> > little cool than a little hot.
>I believe the gauges are not true divided scale. When
>I turn on the ign., the pointer is well below the "0"
>line. It seems Audi (and others) put the optimum
>range from about 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock on the gauge
>face. Most people never bother to interpret raw
>numbers from their gauges. That is the ones who even
>bother to look at them in the first place. (IDIOT
>Jim Accordino
I know, that's what I was getting at. The thing is, I/we don't know if
that "0" mark is 100°F, or 120°F. Well, the 5000's I've seen don't have
any numbers on the scale and I don't recall any on our 4000. However,
Dad's V8 is marked in centigrade.
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