re. 5kcstq engine problem when cold

Wallace White wallacewhite at
Sun Dec 3 22:35:00 EST 2000

Ben and Huw -

You know, I bet it's the ISV in my case. It must be something not
letting enough air in, rather than a vacuum leak, since the revs drop so
quickly when I change gears. Isn't the ISV the only thing that _should_
be creating a vacuum leak (so to speak) that might not be doing its job?
Makes sense to me.

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 167k

> >so long as it is closed when your foot is off the gas it is fine.  just
> >tells the ecu to cut fuel, and use the isv to control the rpm's... so,
> >is your ISV sticky perhaps?
> >>
> >> It is almost new.>
> >>
> >> <check the functioning of the idle switch?
> >>
> >> > I may be haveing the same or similar problem.  Engine slightly warm,
> cold
> >> > outside ~ 30-45F.
> >> >
> >> > Upon letting off the gas, the engine drops to about 300 RPM, like it is
> >> > going to stall, then recovers.>>

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