Audi 100 heater fan

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Mon Dec 4 09:33:01 EST 2000

The blower motor is in a box with the heater core underneath the rain 
diverter at the bottom of the windshield.  There are numerous reports in 
the archives on the rather involved process of hoisting the box 
sufficiently to extract the motor.  It involves disconnecting some items 
under the dash as well as the work under the hood.  If you can't find the 
archives postings, I can e-mail you several that I've saved.

At 07:40 AM 12/04/2000 -0500, VNorman at wrote:

>Just in time for winter, the heater fan on my 1991 Audi 100 has decided to
>quit. It comes on when it feels like it, which is not too good on a wet cold
>Has anyone replaced one of these things? It looks like I need to remove the
>center console (at least) in order to get it out.

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