does any mod...(drastically snipped to preserve B/W)

Ameer Antar ameer at
Tue Dec 5 04:18:37 EST 2000

I think you have a decent setup here, and it's esp. good you have a real 
boost gauge. The spring will control boost, but just in case that diaphragm 
pops, the ECU wouldn't know when to shut down...all it sees is 1.4 bar. I 
think a real chip mod is just a bit more elegant, giving you a safety 
feature, and giving the engine a better timing map to deal w/. I would not 
say you're doing wrong, but there are in fact safer mods out there. It all 
depends on how much money you want to spend and how often you really hit 
1.8 bar or whatever. You know more than anyone else how you treat your car 
and what you expect out of it.

I doubt a person can really hear knocking w/ all the other engine/exhaust 
noises are there, unless it's consistent knocking. In any case the knock 
sensor will still control knock and you shouldn't worry too much about it. 
As long as you don't get that check engine light, you should be OK. A chip 
mod would prolly help mileage a bit by setting up a better timing map, but 
much of your economy loss is due to the fact that you're running to 1.8 
bar...which is a lot more air and fuel. Just a tip, any leaks in the intake 
system can really affect performance and economy. Even minute ones can make 
a difference. When I changed my intake boot over the air-flow meter, which 
showed no real cracks, and the michelin man hose, I noticed big gain in 
economy. good luck.


At 03:15 AM 12/5/2000 , you wrote:
>Hi Ameer,
>I really enjoy your comprehensive posts.  Recently I "hacked" my 5KTQ by
>installing adjustable WG cap, resistor, zener and auxiliary boost gauge.
>After reading your reply to Konstantin, I wonder if you could clarify few
>points for me:
>When using adjustable wastegate cap, the boost level can be preset at any
>reasonable value up to 2.2Bar (1.8Bar in my case) so under normal
>circumstances it should not fluctuate.
>Stock gauge is not accurate at the best of times, so by installing a good
>quality auxiliary gauge this problem could be easily solved (I use 0-1Bar
>2-1/2"dia gauge). There is always a blow-off valve option for those who are
>safety cautious and can't be bothered watching the gauge.
>I use 94 octane gas and I experience no knocking at all. Considering that
>95% of my driving is in the city and I can't  use full boost for longer than
>couple of seconds because when I reach 1.8Bar my speed is around 60mph
>(multi demerit points territory),  what is the real advantage for me to
>properly chip ECU as opposed to R/Z modding? I am going to strap IC (already
>bought two S/S hose clamps) and so far I immensely enjoy the results of my
>It significally improved the low RPM performance and this is a real plus.
>The only concern I have is an increased fuel consumption, it is now about
>16MPG and I pay about US$2 per gallon of 94 octane. Would properly "chipped"
>car have a better fuel consumption? OTOH, the pleasure of driving is well
>worth the few extra bucks.
>'88 5KCDTQ  324K km (201K mi) , 1.8 Bar
>'90 90 100K km (62K mi)
>Vancouver, Canada

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