Charging Problem 87 5ktq

james accordino ssgacc at
Tue Dec 5 06:15:15 EST 2000

--- JJK1204 at wrote:
> had discharged the battery 
> so I gave it a good charging. I could not reproduce
> the problem and after 
> quite a bit of inspection and tightening was sure
> that all of the intake and 
> crankcase hoses were tight and solid. This morning
> it started to exhibit the 
> same pattern as before, not idling well in the
> morning. I noticed that the 
> interior lights dimmed considerably when at idle and
> only defroster on. I 
> checked the voltage at the HVAC head #11 and found
> that the voltage was 14.1 
> with everything off, but quickly dipped to ~12.2
> with only the blower and 
> headlights on. If I increased the revs there was
> little or no change. The 
> alternator is a lister modified unit less than a
> year old. I replaced the end 
> of the small wire to the alternator when I installed
> it and the belt is 
> properly tensioned. Is it possible/likely that my
> stalling problem is being 
> caused by low voltage? 

I believe the low voltage is just a sign of the real
problem.  Is your blower motor original?  If the
charging system is in fact what you say it is, the
blower motor may be putting a tremendous load on the
alternator.  The ISV SHOULD raise the idle, but if
it's not working correctly, this will lead to
stalling/low idle.  Most likely is your
bearing/brushes in the blower motor are shot, and when
cold take a huge amount of current to turn.  As things
warm up, this usually improves slightly.  It could
also be a short in the headlight wiring.  I have seen
this on different makes/types of vehicles, where a
large current draw puts such a load on the alternator,
that it causes the vehicle to stall.  Switch these
items on and off and watch the voltmeter and tach.  I
think you'll find the culprit.

Jim Accordino

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