Seized handbrake lever on rear caliper...

Michael Pederson mlped at
Wed Dec 6 08:56:55 EST 2000

----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
>>> Its a grease nipple - these repressed Yanks don't
>>> like saying 'nipple'......

>> Ah, I see now. I got 2 of those...

>If you've got a quattro, you've got at least another one on the prop
>shaft universal joint.

***** Warning, Little if any Audi Content to follow: ->
I guess you'll now understand why us "repressed" us Yanks also don't like to
use the terms "Yank" & "nipple" in the same set of instructions, preferring
instead "zerk" or "zerks."   Actually I'd always thought they were more
properly "sert" or "zerts" - a name created by some terbacer chewing North
Carolina/Texas moonshine running racing crowd who were often in too much of
a hurry to say "inserts."  Think of the time savings by dropping the "in"
and just going to "zerts."

But I digress, with just two zerks or "serts" in the conversation, everyone
was probably safe.  But the consensus of opinion on the left side of the
Pond has been, that when, and if you East Ponders found three to work
with..... , well we've been afraid that in a casually innocent  translation
of "American" to "Yank" and "zerk" or "zert" to the English "nipple,"
someone would confuse Yank as an endearing and affectionate noun with the a
verb, and try to implement the discussion as a set of operating instructions

Ah well, you can just imagine where that might take the poor, but surely
unrepressed, soul above who with Phil's help is about to discover he has

You are cautioned, not withstanding this posts caption, NOT to seize the
handbrake lever on rear caliper ...... at least not while moving.  ;-)

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