Kamikazi duck and now other odd creatures

Theron J. Bliss tbliss at mestek.com
Wed Dec 6 10:59:54 EST 2000

In my days of owning nothing but Golfs, I got to work one day, and a smoker
standing outside the door puffing away said, "What the (insert colorful word of
choice) is that?"  I looked down at the front spoiler, and caught betwixt the
metal lower apron and rubber spoiler, was the ass of a frog, with both legs
dangling down.  Looks like he decided to jump just as I was zipping down the
road, and got lodged head long into it's final resting place.  It was a pretty
funny sight the way he was sprawled out.

"Charles G. Alday" wrote:

> I encountered a more passive duck who met the same end.  I was driving home
> one night in a similar neighborhood in the rain.  I encountered a duck,
> barely visible, sitting in a pothole full of water in the middle of my lane.
> Given my speed and the 10-20 feet left (after diffentiating between a
> regular pothole and a never seen before duck filled pothole) it was too late
> for evasive manuevers so I straddled the pothole.  I heard a thump as the
> rear differential crossed the pothole.  The damn thing didn't "duck," became
> a "dead duck," and was removed from the gene pool.
> Chuck

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