Kamikazi duck

Charles G. Alday calday at umich.edu
Wed Dec 6 10:31:35 EST 2000

I encountered a more passive duck who met the same end.  I was driving home
one night in a similar neighborhood in the rain.  I encountered a duck,
barely visible, sitting in a pothole full of water in the middle of my lane.
Given my speed and the 10-20 feet left (after diffentiating between a
regular pothole and a never seen before duck filled pothole) it was too late
for evasive manuevers so I straddled the pothole.  I heard a thump as the
rear differential crossed the pothole.  The damn thing didn't "duck," became
a "dead duck," and was removed from the gene pool.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Arman <armanmik at n-jcenter.com>
To: quattro at audifans.com <quattro at audifans.com>
Date: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 10:03 AM
Subject: Kamikazi duck

>On my way from point A to point B early last night, I drove down a road
>that has some slightly passe' yuppie-style apartments on it, and they have
>some duck ponds and some ducks. (Ambiance, don't you know?)
>One of the ducks, evidently not yet properly rated for night flight, and
>evidently also overcome by the beauty and rhapsody of flight (which is fine
>- I've been flying for 25 years, and I still am) ran out of altitude,
>airspeed and ideas all at the same time, and came to grief smack (!) in the
>center of the driver's door on my 86 5KS. (Required Audi content, and the
>only reason this incident is reportable at all..)
>I saw only a flash of something brown or black, and heard a huge thump!!!!
>- like someone had hit the door with a baseball bat. There was a secondary
>thump as the window rattled, and it was over. Even deducting 50% for
>startle factor, the noise was LOUD.
>When I arrived at point B (traffic precluded stopping), I found feathers
>and duck poop all down the left side of my car, but no obvious damage.
>On the way back B ===> A, there was indeed a dead duck lying on the road at
>the point of impact.
>Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction . . . Type 44 Audis are
>duck-proof. Or at least highly duck-resistant.
>Best Regards,
>Mike Arman

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