Kamikazi duck

Mike Arman armanmik at n-jcenter.com
Wed Dec 6 10:26:53 EST 2000

On my way from point A to point B early last night, I drove down a road
that has some slightly passe' yuppie-style apartments on it, and they have
some duck ponds and some ducks. (Ambiance, don't you know?)

One of the ducks, evidently not yet properly rated for night flight, and
evidently also overcome by the beauty and rhapsody of flight (which is fine
- I've been flying for 25 years, and I still am) ran out of altitude,
airspeed and ideas all at the same time, and came to grief smack (!) in the
center of the driver's door on my 86 5KS. (Required Audi content, and the
only reason this incident is reportable at all..)

I saw only a flash of something brown or black, and heard a huge thump!!!!
- like someone had hit the door with a baseball bat. There was a secondary
thump as the window rattled, and it was over. Even deducting 50% for
startle factor, the noise was LOUD.

When I arrived at point B (traffic precluded stopping), I found feathers
and duck poop all down the left side of my car, but no obvious damage.

On the way back B ===> A, there was indeed a dead duck lying on the road at
the point of impact.

Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction . . . Type 44 Audis are
duck-proof. Or at least highly duck-resistant.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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