allroad hitting the showrooms...

jim rose sf5ktq at
Wed Dec 6 16:53:49 EST 2000

amen, brother....

i feel the same. 5k's 2c's, and ESPeCIALLY the "REAL" s4/s6's get my 
propers. of course tqc's are the O.G.

it's sad. the new stuff, while some of the finest cars built, suffer from 
faddy-ness. they are the 325is of this decade.

-mr opinianated

>From: "Beatty, Robert" <BeattyR at>
>To: "'jim rose'" <sf5ktq at>, quattro at
>Subject: RE: allroad hitting the showrooms...
>Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 15:16:51 -0500
>-----Original Message-----
>From: jim rose [mailto:sf5ktq at]
>Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 2:57 PM
>To: quattro at
>Subject: allroad hitting the showrooms...
>i would swear the a4 is the official dotcom car here in san fran. they must
>pass them out with double latte's and pale orange business cards.
>i also cant believe how many s4's i see. it's a drag, i think. the older
>cars are so much cooler bc they're rare and you know 95% of the people
>driving them are audi nuts. the new s4 seems like its much more of a poser
>status car like the m3. dont get me wrong, i'd saw off a limb for a new s4
>(or an m3 for that matter), but, it makes me laugh when i see people 
>around in a car of that caliber and they have NO IDEA whats its capable of
>nor what its pedigree is.
>Oh i totally agree with this as well... here in New England, I think you 
>an A4 instead of a parking place when you start a new job as a perk..... 
>insane how many of them are around... same thing for the S4's.... I dont
>even bother checking them out any more... if i see a 5k or V8 i always look
>to see if the driver is looking back... but anything new i dont even
>bother...and i even hear the unintended stuff from time to time here at 
>when i tell people what i drive... silly....The fad is good for Audi but at
>the same time you hate to see something you really feel strongly about 
>treated casually....
>my rant as well... :)

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