Headwork on a cracked head?

Peter Berrevoets pjberr at home.com
Thu Dec 7 11:12:14 EST 2000

> >
> >>>"Zylinderkoepfe mit Rissen zwischen den Ventilsitzen bzw. zwischen
> >>>Ventilsitzring und dem Zuendkerzgewinde koennen ohne Herabsetzen
> >>>der Lebensdauer weiterverwendet werden, wenn es sich um leichte,
> >>>max. 0,5 mm breite Anrisse handelt oder wenn nur die ersten
> >>>Gaenge des Zuendkerzengewindes gerissen sind."
> >
> >> "Cylinder heads with cracks between valve seats or between
> >valve seat and
> >> spark plug thread can be reused without any negative
> >effects, when the
> >> cracks are small, max. 0.5 mm in width and when only the
> >first windings of
> >> the spark plug threads are affected".
> >
> >I'm not sure.  The subtlety of 'Risse' vs 'Anrisse' has gone.  I've
> >been trying to think how to express this.  It isn't in the
> >dictionary,
> >of course, because 'Anrisse' is a compound noun.  The 'An' prefix
> >carries all sorts of implications - Babelfish's 'incipient'
> >is actually
> >quite good.  Literally it can mean 'at', 'on', 'in', 'to', 'against',
> >'near' or 'about' depending on context.  The meaning here
> >for 'Anrisse'
> >is probably close to 'surface cracks'.
> >

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