oil gagues

Theron J. Bliss tbliss at mestek.com
Fri Dec 8 08:55:20 EST 2000

  Ok, now that the V8 is up and running again, the oil gauges seem not
to be working.  The oil temp doesn't move, and the oil pressure stays at
5.  When it warms up, and I put the car in neutral and let it idle, it
drops to around 3.5, but anything over 1500 rpm, and it's pegged at 5
again.  Both gauges worked fine before the tank replacement, and I can't
figure why anything he did on the car would affect it.  I don't know if
a fuse is used on these, or if I need to check the sensors.
     Another weird thing is the ABS.  They work great, and when switched
off, the tires do lock up under stomp braking.  However, if I've been
braking hard, the petal violently serge's, I hear a noise that sounds
like crunching, and the car takes forever to stop.  It's never happened
under normal conditions, but after stomping on the brakes hard 3 or 4
times in a row with the ABS active.  This is my first car with ABS, so
I'm not sure if this is normal, or raises any flags to anyone.


Theron J. Bliss
1990 V8 Quattro
196,000 miles
Lago Blue, Grey Connolly leather


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