oil gagues

FBFISH at aol.com FBFISH at aol.com
Fri Dec 8 09:21:04 EST 2000

In a message dated 12/8/00 9:04:08 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
tbliss at mestek.com writes:

<< The oil temp doesn't move, and the oil pressure stays at
 5.  When it warms up, and I put the car in neutral and let it idle, it
 drops to around 3.5, but anything over 1500 rpm, and it's pegged at 5
 again.  >> 

Theron- When I first got my V8 I noticed the gauge always seemed pegged at 
the high end I still ahd some warranty time on it and took it to the dealer. 
he found a TSB which added a resistor to the circuit and fixed the problem. 
Now my gauge (125K miles) still shows 5 bar (14.7x5=73.5 psi) when above idle 
and hot. I do not think I have ever seen the oil temp past the first mark. I 
think you would have to live in the desert to see it mid range. HTH
Frank Santoro
1990 V8
1998 A8

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