Fw: Leaky master cylinder

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Dec 8 13:20:50 EST 2000

The master cylinder has a rod sticking out the back of it that activates 
the piston inside it.  The rod must have a seal around it somewhere.  If 
you're getting brake fluid out of the drain hole that's in the bottom of 
the brake booster connection to the master cylinder, that seal must be 
leaking.  You're certain it's not coming from the rubber grommets that seal 
the brake fluid reservoir to the master cylinder?  I can't remember from 
the two MC's I've replaced on Type 44's what there is from the brake 
booster that operates the rod on the MC.  I seem to recall a smaller rod 
that fits inside the one from the MC.  If that's the case, there also would 
be a seal around the rod from the booster, but that's operated by the 
hydraulic oil from the power steering pump, so you'd be getting that oil 
rather than brake fluid out of the hole.  I think the hole's there to let 
condensation moisture escape from the assembly.  Both the brake fluid and 
the booster hydraulic oil get quite warm.

At 10:56 AM 12/08/2000 -0800, Tim Sidders wrote:

>the leak is coming from between the master and the brake booster(where the
>two bolt together), is there some sort of o-ring or gasket or seal or
>something in there ??????

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