Fw: Leaky master cylinder

Ameer Antar ameer at snet.net
Fri Dec 8 17:57:06 EST 2000

actually the leak could be from the servo...that was what happened to me. 
There's also a seal in the servo on that end that can leak. Could be m/c 
and/or servo.


At 01:20 PM 12/8/2000 , you wrote:
>The master cylinder has a rod sticking out the back of it that activates 
>the piston inside it.  The rod must have a seal around it somewhere.  If 
>you're getting brake fluid out of the drain hole that's in the bottom of 
>the brake booster connection to the master cylinder, that seal must be 
>leaking.  You're certain it's not coming from the rubber grommets that 
>seal the brake fluid reservoir to the master cylinder?  I can't remember 
>from the two MC's I've replaced on Type 44's what there is from the brake 
>booster that operates the rod on the MC.  I seem to recall a smaller rod 
>that fits inside the one from the MC.  If that's the case, there also 
>would be a seal around the rod from the booster, but that's operated by 
>the hydraulic oil from the power steering pump, so you'd be getting that 
>oil rather than brake fluid out of the hole.  I think the hole's there to 
>let condensation moisture escape from the assembly.  Both the brake fluid 
>and the booster hydraulic oil get quite warm.
>At 10:56 AM 12/08/2000 -0800, Tim Sidders wrote:
>>the leak is coming from between the master and the brake booster(where the
>>two bolt together), is there some sort of o-ring or gasket or seal or
>>something in there ??????

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