Broken Interior Door Handle - Need Help dismantling panel 1990 - 80Q

Mitchell S. Haskins mhaskins1 at
Mon Dec 11 17:55:53 EST 2000

If it's the same as my 1988 90Q, there should be 2 screws on the door panel.
1 on the top on the hinge side, and one on the top on the handle side.
After that, remove the screws under the armrest and behind the handle.
Remove the lock cap and LIFT.
If it doesn't lift easily, check for screws that you may have missed.  The
handle is connected to the latch by a wire inside a vinyl guide a la bicycle
brakes.  Buy a replacement at your local VW or Audi dealer.  Doesn't cost

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Huw Powell
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 11:44 PM
To: Greg Koehler
Cc: 'quattro at'
Subject: Re: Broken Interior Door Handle - Need Help dismantling panel
1990 - 80Q

Greg Koehler wrote:
> Could someone please help me or point me to a relevant archive?  My inside
> door handle broke on my Model 80 Quattro and I want to dismantle the door
> panel to take a look at it.  I don't see any obvious way to take off the
> door panel and don't want to destroy it in the process.  Has anyone done
> this before? Thanks!

Huw Powell

might be useful

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