Windshield washer

Benjamin Kwan bkwan at
Wed Dec 13 09:05:33 EST 2000


	The motor isn't making any noises, and there is fluid in the
reservoir.  So looks like I have to check that motor now.  

Ben Kwan

85 4000S
92 100CSq
94 90S

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Andrew Duane USG wrote:

> Hairy green toads from Mars made Benjamin Kwan say:
> > 	My windshield washer on my 92 100CSq is not functioning anymore.
> > Will the motor still run if the hose is plugged?  Where is the fuse for
> > it?  Is it the fuse for the windshield wiper system?
> It will run even with no fluid, or a plugged line. Won't be good
> for it, but it will run.
> If you don't hear the pump, it is likely just dead. They do die,
> and are not very expensive to replace. Pull the connector and check
> for 12V on it when you pull the wash lever. If you have it, buy a
> new pump. If not, start checking those fuses!
> -- 
> Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane at
> Compaq Computer Corporation		(603)-884-1294
> 110 Spit Brook Road
> M/S ZKO3-3/U14
> Nashua, NH    03062-2698
> Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's too psychotic to express it

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