Porsche brakes on a 4000tq (Todds coil-over conv)

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 13 13:44:19 EST 2000

I can not attest to this.  Sorry.  I do know that you can use
the 5kt front struts.  Albeit at a heavier weight.  These
however need an 85' urq Ball Joint (19mm?)  and work to the
spring perch to make it work.  And you need VW Golf Tie Rod
Ends.  (larger Dia again)  These screw right onto the 4kq tie
rods.   ANd these of course accept all the big brake kits as
well.  A 4kq rear hub will fit the 5kt front bearing and hub. 
THe EARLY 5kt's use the same bearing as the 4kq rear.  The later
5kt's use a larger outer diameter.  But same inner so the same
  But again, I have no experience with the 80fwd strut.  But it
sounds like it should work.  But I would think you would need a
different hub and bearing.  Most of the type 89's used a find
spline axle stub.  4kq is thick spine.  Oh, of course, with 5kt
struts you need 4kq rear axles.
Sorry I cant help more.

--- Alexander van Gerbig <Audi_80 at email.msn.com> wrote:
>     I am almost certain single piece TYP89 80 FWD struts will
> bolt right up
> to a 4k.  The ball joints are the same diameter, 17mm.  The
> cv's used in the
> 4k will slide right into the 80 FWD single piece strut hub,
> the 2 piece
> struts use different cv's.  My wager is that with TYP89 80 FWD
> front struts
> fitted to a 4k then it is entirely possible to fit big brakes
> or G60's.

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