Wheeltech.com, Axis, other wheels --help!??

Horace K. Sawyer firestream at mindspring.com
Wed Dec 13 18:59:42 EST 2000

Anyone have anything to report about this outfit called 
Wheeltech.com?  They have a website that offers about 18,000 different 
brands of wheels . . .
Nothing like the Tire Rack's masterful web site, but they have a heckuva 
selection if they truly carry all those lines.  No prices displayed (that I 
could find) and an 888 number.  I called and got an answering machine with 
a message in a foreign dialect of some sort, English though.  (This is not 
meant to facist, anti-non-american, discriminatory, etc.)  But before 
plunking down substantial amounts of cash, it would be nice to hear of some 
personal experience.

Seems like all the german brand wheels look the cool.  I never of heard of 
"Axis" but the wheels on the M3 in Dec. European Car look great.  Wheeltech 
has them on their site.  This is the only site I have seen with this 
brand.  I believe there is a regular advertisement in the back of Road & 
Track, or Euro. Car for some wheel/tire outfit called 
"precisioninstallations.com"  which sells Axis also (is the only other one 
I found) so I ask the same question:  any experience to report with that place?

Thanks and hope to hear from somebody!

see: http://www.wheeltech.com/main.html

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