quattro IV EDL

Kris Hansen kris_j_hansen at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 15 08:42:47 EST 2000

Thanks for the clarification Taka, and, I am glad to
know this, as I was somewhat dissapionted in the
performance of the "EDL" since last spring, when
attempting to navigate my very steep road I
inadvertantly dropped the right tires into a mud hole
and set them both spinning freely, with the left side
offering no assistance at all. the ABS pump was
working furiously, but I was not able to maintain
forward progress. Of course I was able to back out of
the mud, but it left me wondering about the EDL.

Nevertheless, it is quite remarkable on the road,
especially with proper snow tires. With the older
system of the 80q that I had previously, the car would
fight more in the sloppy snow, whereas the new car
just tracks straight and true. I do miss the feel that
the older cars had, but I like the ease of controll of
the newer cars for sure!

--- TM <t44tq at mindspring.com> wrote:
> To put it most crudely, the current Quattro IV
> EDL system is basically traction control- uses the
> ABS system to brake a spinning wheel individually.
> The "electronic differential lock" is somewhat of
> a misnomer, as it would lead you to believe that it
> may have computer-controlled diff locks, like the
> Porsche 959 and 964C4.

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