Snapped hood release cable

BRIAN O'NEILL briano_72 at
Sun Dec 17 09:43:41 EST 2000

if you can still see the cable inside the houseing by
your feet you can grab it with pliers and pull it open
that way.
                                brian o'
93 90 cs
90 80 
88 944 turbo s
--- Peter Buss <buss_p at> wrote:
> Well I started off this weekend by trying to replace
> the front struts and mounts on my 87 4kcsq. Of
> course
> the first thing that happened is the hood release
> cable snapped right at the release handle in the
> driver foot well. Luckily the hood did release and I
> got it open. Of course on a Sunday no one has a
> cable
> in stock and I have to drive from Pittsburgh to
> Cleveland tomorrow. I'll have to put the hood down
> and
> order a cable. Is there an easy way to open the hood
> later? I thought that I'd seen a right up on it
> somewhere but of course I don't remember where. 
> Thanks for the help.
> =====
> Peter Buss
> 87 4kcsq "Wilma" 145K
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