Apparent false reading of oil pressure sender - 91 200 TQ 20V

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sun Dec 17 22:47:36 EST 2000

Sounds like you may have a wiring issue in the instrument cluster.  A 
Google search on 200q20v instrument cluster repair on the Audifans website 
should provide postings about redoing solder connections to fix aberrant 
instrument readings.

At 10:18 PM 12/17/2000 -0500, Bill Batty wrote:

>I have a most frustrating problem! The red dripping oil can warning light 
>started to show itself on an irregular basis even though the standard O K 
>showed upon starting my 1991 200 20V. My mechanic replaced two different 
>oil pressure sending units. The indicator light still goes on even though 
>I still get the O K upon starting and my oil pressure gauge goes to within 
>a hair of +5, the max (which was where it was when the problem started). 
>Recently I had my front UFO brakes replaced and my rear brakes checked and 
>the other day my brake pad warning light went on as did my "out of 
>gasoline" warning light just after I filled up my gas tank.
>I do not know how to locate the problem.
>Replacing the "Display unit for the on board computer and check package", 
>"circuit board" and/or "the computer" is VERY EXPENSIVE. Maybe I could get 
>a used instrument cluster. However there could be a problem elsewhere 
>causing false readings.

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