wiper motor and heater blower (LAC, Rant)

Tihol Tiholov ttiholov at rodeo.sd27.bc.ca
Tue Dec 19 09:45:41 EST 2000

At 10:18 AM -0500 12/19/00, Nathan wrote:
>Wiper motor/transmission? (local Autozone and foreign parts stores well over

That's not much relative to the $328 (even CND) I had to pay for a 
heater blower on the weekend and that for a 2 year old car (New 
Beetle - wife's).  I'll never buy a new car if things like this go so 
soon, though I was tempted for a moment... And on top of that the 
tank flap mechanism froze twice already.  I guess they were trying to 
maintain similarities between the new and old beetles as far as being 
a summer vehicle mostly.
(Rant off - though I don't feel much better yet)

MAC: On the 1988 Audi 90 Q the heater blower is chirping.  Is this 
"lubeable" (bearings that can be lubricated) or does it need a new 
one?  Price?  Any tricks for easier removal of the thing?

Thank you all,							Tihol

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