wiper motor and heater blower (LAC, Rant)

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Tue Dec 19 20:22:41 EST 2000

Hi Tihol;

Once the motor starts chirping, it's time for a new one. Lubing the bearing
will quiet it temporarily, but the chirping always comes back. If that is
your original motor, the brushes are probably shot and one of these days it
will stop running. It's such a PITA to replace these things that anything
less than a new motor is false economy.

Fred Munro

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tihol Tiholov" <ttiholov at rodeo.sd27.bc.ca>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: wiper motor and heater blower (LAC, Rant)

> At 10:18 AM -0500 12/19/00, Nathan wrote:
> >Wiper motor/transmission? (local Autozone and foreign parts stores well
> >$70)
> That's not much relative to the $328 (even CND) I had to pay for a
> heater blower on the weekend and that for a 2 year old car (New
> Beetle - wife's).  I'll never buy a new car if things like this go so
> soon, though I was tempted for a moment... And on top of that the
> tank flap mechanism froze twice already.  I guess they were trying to
> maintain similarities between the new and old beetles as far as being
> a summer vehicle mostly.
> (Rant off - though I don't feel much better yet)
> MAC: On the 1988 Audi 90 Q the heater blower is chirping.  Is this
> "lubeable" (bearings that can be lubricated) or does it need a new
> one?  Price?  Any tricks for easier removal of the thing?
> Thank you all, Tihol

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