Where is the Switch for the Boot/Trunk Light?

SIMON HOLTBY sholtby at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Dec 19 19:13:26 EST 2000

--- Per Lindgren <lindgre at online.no> wrote: > 
 You need to turn on the parking lights for the boot light to light up.
Quite stupid setup from Audi, I'm gonna rewire this in my Cabrio.
I have not got the car today but I will try turning the lights on
tommorrow. I have looked in ETKA and I think there is a microswitch built
into the boot catch. 
This is  silly as usually I turn the lights off before opening the boot. I
think I can understand Audi's way of thinking though, the hood or trunk
may be open for long periods during the day for example during servicing
and may flatten a weak battery.


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