'80's audi door handle question

Tom Nas tnas at euronet.nl
Wed Dec 20 22:56:51 EST 2000

"Ken Keith" <auditude at neta.com> wrote:

> > > Seriously though, I'm going to swap the 100/200 stle door handles 
> (the ones
> > > you pull UP on to open the door) onto my 4kq as yet another winter 
> project.
> > > Basically, the internal mechanism is the same inbetween these cars 
> but the
> > > handle is molded into a different pattern of metal on the 200/100 doors.
>Yeah, and someone in the world offers fiberglass pieces that are
>used to do exactly that, put the newer Audi style handles in other
>cars.  The pieces would allow you to do it with the 100/200 door
>sheet metal.
>You can see them listed in a D&W catalog.  I saw a tricked out A1
>Golf or rabbit or something with them.
>I don't know how strong they are, being fiberglass that hold
>something you are supposed to pull on, but they are available.

I know for a fact that at least some of these come with a steel plate you 
weld into your door.


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