my '88 5kcstq

Aleksander Mierzwa alexaudi at
Thu Dec 21 12:54:54 EST 2000

At 15:54 00-12-20 -0700, Ken Keith wrote:

>I still only get 1.2 bar most of the time, 1.3 hardly ever and only 
>after extensive winding out of the motor.  With the engine off and 
>key "on", the stock gauge reads 0.9.  Yes, the 1.2 reading is from 
>the stock gauge.  I will get boost and oil temp gauges later.

If you are reading 0.9 with the engine off, the 1.2 maximum figure seems
correct to me. With the engine off I get 1.0 bar and the maximum boost
rarely exceeds 1.3. I only get 1.4 in very hot weather.

>I have to fix the non-functional cruise control, and the a/c doesn't 
>blow cold.  Actually the climate control in general seems to act 
>strangely.  In the morning, when it's about 34f degrees out, I turn 
>the heat on.  If I set the temperature too high, I dont get any warm 
>air through the dash vents.  I understand that this might be just the 
>way it works, defrosting the windshield first or something.  It could 
>be operator error.  I probably need to look at the owners manual or 

Yes, this is the way the climate control is supposed to work. Hot air is
directed only to defrost and floor vents. When the desired temperature is
achieved, lukewarm air is directed to dash vents. You can override this
feature by switching to "Bi-lev".

>does Audi carry new terminals and connectors for most/all of the harnesses? 

Yes, they do.

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 5KT

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