Snow tires (M&S)

Alexander van Gerbig Audi_80 at
Thu Dec 21 21:58:09 EST 2000

    Yes, this is true.  Speed rated snow tires are very nice things, albeit
rather expensive as I found.  There are way more snow tires out there that
are just M&S, I think some are Q-rated mostly.  H rated is the best you can
get, 130mph, in a snow tire.
    I personally go with gummy snows that deal with ice and packed snow
roads.  I might go with studded next year because of the amount of real snow
driving I do, but Blizaaks do the job wonderfully, though they are a bit
squishy on pavement.  During every other season it's Z or W rated tires.  I
also run tall and narrow snows vs. short and wide summer tires, makes a big
difference.  The last price I got on some H rated snows was astronomical and
I would wager my Blizaaks would outdo them on ice and in heavy snow any day
of the week!


Alexander van Gerbig -- '88 80

The Audi  80 Pages-----------------

North Ferrisburg, VT 05473

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