Snow tires (M&S)

Brad Wilson bradw at
Thu Dec 21 20:48:00 EST 2000

Alexander van Gerbig wrote:

> Yes, this is true. Speed rated snow tires are very nice things, albeit
> rather expensive as I found. There are way more snow tires out there that
> are just M&S, I think some are Q-rated mostly. H rated is the best you can
> get, 130mph, in a snow tire.

To plug the tire I use... the Toyo Observe is an H-rated tire in my size,
performs almost as well as the all season default tires I had (Conti
Touring), and cost me ~ $300, mounted, balanced, tax, out the door.

> I personally go with gummy snows that deal with ice and packed snow roads.

I haven't had any trouble with roads like this. The roads in our development
are particularly bad, because they're dirt and don't get plowed, so the
packed snow and ice for normal cars is quite difficult to navigate. I have
excellent traction in these conditions. My normal winter drive is 80+ mph on
dry roads, but when it snows, it can be really bad.

> I might go with studded next year because of the amount of real snow
> driving I do, but Blizaaks do the job wonderfully, though they are a bit
> squishy on pavement.

They're _way_ squishy. I wouldn't feel safe in them at high speeds.

> During every other season it's Z or W rated tires.

Of course! :)  (Potenza RE-730s coming this summer...)

> I also run tall and narrow snows vs. short and wide summer tires, makes a
> big difference.

Sort of yes, and sort of no. That's a lot of why the tires feel less grippy
on dry pavement. Tall shouldn't matter much, but wide vs. narrow will.

Best regards,

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