Spare parts to carry for a Type 44?
Motor Sport Visions Photography
msvphoto at
Thu Dec 21 12:58:50 EST 2000
AAA+ Card, Cel Phone, and list of phone numbers of q-lister friends
with mechanical inclination along the way helps. I do actually carry one
of those Prestone flush and fill kits with all the little hose adapters
that are useful for bypassing heater valves and after run pumps, a few
fuses, and assorted other bits but not much.
More than that, some luck and a lot of trust in your maintenance and the
type 44 isn't as bad as some might think. I have vastly more trust in
our '87 5kcstq for road trips than my wife's ovlov 240 DL "mommiewagon."
So much so, in fact, that last Xmas my wife and I were set to depart on
our annual overnighter get away and there was some minor show stopper
glitch in the Audi and I thought about renting a car instead of taking
her car. We took the ovlov anyway and it made it okay.
On that note, I may be looking for a "mommiewagon" replacement soon. If
anynone knows of a really nice 240 wagon, lowish miles, decent price,
etc. please let me know. Looking to spend less than 6k and would like to
find a really nice example. She won't let me talk her into a real car,
er Audi, nor even a more modern ovlov like a 740 or 940 so the best 240
wagon we can afford will be the way we go...I fear. (I said wishing I
could snag another quattro instead...)
Mike Veglia
Motor Sport Visions Photography
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