Hella lighting (4kq) -- cops search?

James Russell jbr at montana.edu
Fri Dec 22 02:43:31 EST 2000

Coming from the Eastside of Seattle, lots of kids had lots of money, and
lots of it went towards their cars.  I have heard that on occasion they
would get pulled over due to rather bright headlights, not sure it if was
headlights or driving lights or fog lights.  Apparently the police used
some sort of light meter to see what kind of intensity the lights were
putting out.  I don't know exactly what it measured but it measured
something none the less.

After seeing how bright those Xenon lights are I think you could put up a
pretty good battle if you took it court.  I have no 'beef' with the police,
I give them my respect, and I would rather not try and cheat the laws. I do
agree that it is highly unlikely that anyone will get pulled over if they
have brighter lights and if they are aimed properly.  Be smart. I have some
huge ralley lights on the front of my 4ksq, if I leave them off, I have no
problem, I have never used them when I had on-coming traffic or was
following somebody. They are 100w, I would likely get in trouble for using
them in traffic.  But they sure do work well on the dark Montana highways
at night!

Take care
Brad Russell

1984 4ksq

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