Parking Brake not releasing '89 100Q

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Fri Dec 22 06:53:26 EST 2000

If they release completely eventually, but are just slow to do so, you 
might look into the heavier spring option (repeated in the archives, I'm 
sure) from some European Ford.  It only involves replacing the return 
spring on the lever the cable operates.  If you  detach the cables and the 
levers move freely, you probably need new cables.  If the levers are hard 
to operate and/or the pads don't release the rotors, then the caliper pins 
may need decorroding and regreasing.  If that doesn't do the trick, you 
need to rebuild the calipers or replace them.

At 11:16 PM 12/21/2000 -0500, Swann, Benjamin R.  (BSWANN) wrote:

>I apologize for not getting back with other listers regarding other posts
>about cams, etc.  My daughter has been in the hospital recovering from some
>rather nasties, and this has consumed all of my time.
>I was hoping listers might give me some insight about the parking brake
>calipers not releasing on the 100Q.  I found this out when I took it through
>inspection for the new owner, thinking I'd addressed all of the issues -
>well I was close, but this one got me.
>Symptoms, not obvious to me, but the inspector caught it, are the brakes do
>not release right away after letting off the brake lever.  It seems the
>problem may be worse now in the clod weather, as I notice drag whereas
>didn't before inspection.
>I have a new set of pads and rotors, but didn't put them  on the car as they
>were OK.  The inspector said they were marginal but passed them.  I wonder
>if I replace the pads and rotors and lubricate everything well will resolve
>the problem.  Or am I wasting my time and need to get some new/used good
>I appreciate the replies which I won't be able to read right away, but will
>get me on the right track as I attack the problem over the Holidays.
>Merry  Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

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